This gold medal winner has not renounced her citizenship

This gold medal winner has not renounced her citizenship no matter what the "rules" of the other country say. She doesn't want to pay the millions of tax dollars that would require. It is why she won't answer the question directly either because it would ruin her chances at more endorsement dollars.

One of the reasons he doesn’t want to do the franchise any longer

Unlike this other wrestler turned actor who sucks up to the Asian country as much as possible and has no opinion or knowledge of any genocide going on in the country, the wrestler turned A+ list actor does have an opinion and knows one franchise really tries to target that market which is one of the reasons he doesn't want to do it any longer.

The government might just kill the athlete

A long time actress friend of the site who knows first hand how to play the game in her home country and over the years has had to have s.e.x. with a number of men she really didn't want, but did so to keep her career going and her lifestyle, says at some point, the government might just kill the athlete because otherwise all of this is going to continue to linger.

My guess is that the media mogul knew, even though he pretended not to know

I don't know who ordered it, but I do know the ex of this foreign born permanent A+ list media mogul, put it into operation. She not only had an affair with the leader of this country, but also brought in another woman at one point and there is evidence from that night. My guess is that the media mogul knew, even though he pretended not to know, but that the birthplace of the ex was behind it, just because the other female was also from the same country and lives in that country to this day.

Havana Syndrome

The US now knows which country is responsible for the Havana Syndrome, but is trying to discuss things behind the scenes rather than going after staffers from that country.

He is serious with this.

Instead of the multiple trips to see his drug dealer each day, which he knows people watch, the celebrity CEO pushed a proposal to the Los Angeles representative of this large Asian country. Couldn't they take some of the drugs they seize/manufacture and send them to him each month using diplomatic cover. He is serious too.

Celebrity CEO has taken his media coverage to a new level in that country.

I really didn't think someone could have their nose any further up a butt than Harvey Levin does with the Kardashians. I could be wrong. Between the celebrity CEO and the wealthy farmer, it is a contest to see who can get deeper up the leader of this massive Asian country. Oh, and the celebrity CEO has taken his media coverage to a new level in that country.