It’s The Game

This was allowed for the first 60 days and then after that would be shut off because the breach would be "discovered."

3 blinds in a row

She says his bodyguards chased away the potential kidnappers. / The wealthy farmer is now working together even more with the large Asian country. / They seem to ignore the tens of millions of dollars a year the reality family generates

Why not fake an illness to save some face.

Actors and actresses are not the only people who can use illness as an excuse. Now was not the time for this A+ lister to tick off the largest country in the world, so why not fake an illness to save some face.

MK Ultra experiments

Source: Crazy Days and Nights It wouldn’t shock me if some kind of MK Ultra experiments were used on the permanent A list “singer.” Would she know who was doing it though [read more]

The Asian market hates it

This Italian fashion house has spent a literal fortune on their ad campaign this year and thought by bringing in all the big Hollywood names that it would be a success. The Asian market hates it though and that is where the vast majority of sales come from.

He was held prisoner in his home for months

This foreign born CEO was once one of the world's wealthiest people. He was essentially held prisoner in his home for months until he signed over about 90% of his wealth to a "corporation." The corporation consists of a group of top leaders of this foreign government. He thinks he will not be the last to be forced to do so.