Yes, He Cheated.. But

It is considered one of the most tabloid fodder worthy of relationships in the past 60 years. I haven't counted, but I would imagine they have been on the cover of hundreds of weekly magazines. They were on the covers so often because people couldn't get enough.

Let us not forget…

The A list mostly movie actress who sometimes directs has used the past two years to make it seem as if she is the loving parent and her actor ex is awful and abusive. Let us not forget that a decade ago, our actress was publicly called out for being verbally abusive towards her husband and her children on a regular basis. No one seems to be adding that to the conversation.

Don’t Forget

People seem to have totally forgotten that this A+ list mostly movie actor who had a turn through television this past weekend dated a 16 year old when he was nearly 30. Oh, and there was the 15 year old who he was hooking up with as part of an acting role, but also kept up off screen even though he was a decade older.

Tabloids hate when he is spotted with a different woman.

Just like I have told you multiple times, don't believe the tabloids who are wishing for days gone by with the A+ list mostly movie actor back together with the permanent A list actress who loves pretending she is pregnant. Tabloids hate when he is spotted with a different woman.

It is the great equalizer and everyone knows the rules.

The rule is everyone goes and no one talks about what happens inside the walls. It is a very well known AA meeting. The biggest of the big celebrities attend, but homeless people and those scratching on a daily basis to get by are there too. It is the great equalizer and everyone knows the rules. Apparently the permanent A list mostly movie actor got tired of those rules though and tried to ban everyone who wasn't famous and then tried to get people to stop attending and instead have the meeting at his place. The actor is not well liked for his actions.

It is all garbage of course.

As I told you a few weeks ago, there was a story waiting for a slow week to have this A list former couple reunited and planning children. Well, I guess this was the slow week they were waiting for. It is all garbage of course.

They were taken while the couple were together, but never developed.

This A list mostly movie actress sent her actor ex before her most recent ex some poster sized photos of them in bed together naked in various positions. They were taken while the couple were together, but never developed. The thing is, the actor is married and while he will occasionally hook up with the actress, his wife was not thrilled at the sight of the gift.

I am sure we can then expect numerous baby stories.

I feel the momentum building. A writer for a weekly tabloid says they have a cover story ready for a slow week that says this permanent A list actress is set to marry this A+ list mostly movie actor who is also her ex. I am sure we can then expect numerous baby stories. They don't care that it isn't true, they know how many copies they will sell.