She just doesn’t care.

There is little to no chance this permanent A list singer will ever cancel a deal that makes her gob tons of money just because fans don't approve where the money is coming from. She just doesn't care.

Uterus factory

I have written before about this permanent A list couple and their uterus factory. Apparently, in the past week, they cut some type of deal while overseas that gives them a "license" to continue doing this without fear of any prosecution.

2 blind items

This permanent A+ list rapper and this permanent A+ list singer have largely remained silent about this former A+ list rapper. / I love how the remaining two stars are trying to make it seem as if this actress wanted off the almost network superhero show.

2 blinds in a row

They must have an open relationship because this A-/B+ list actor/nightly network mainstay does not even try and hide hitting on other women even when his long time girlfriend is present. / This permanent A+ list singer was invited, but said no. Actually she said hell no, but you get the point. Some of the people she dislikes the most all at one party is not a recipe for success. A family member did attend, and had some remarks she made to that foreign born B+ lister we all know.

The permanent A lister got the hopes up and then crushed them.

Two former members of this group waited by the phones for a week or two, but never got the call. Apparently they were told this weekend's reunion of this group would include most of the former members, but it looks like the only reunion will be with the people who you would expect to be there. The permanent A lister got the hopes up and then crushed them.

Band member is going to be replaced like so many others before her

Apparently everything was great the first weekend, but this previous weekend, this permanent A+ list singer was introduced to the significant other of a band member and he said something which made out singer not want him there. That turned into an epic meltdown battle and I think that band member is going to be replaced like so many others before her.

She is on their payroll now.

They're on much, much better terms now but once upon a time the parents of this A+ singer and that TV talk show hostess weren't so chummy. The host, in her previous hosting medium, had insinuated on air that the singer had an abortion while she was still underage and that she had flings with that pervy R&B singer and that one named producer/singer/rapper.

He is one of the very few who could do that.

This permanent A list mostly movie actor who was a recent Academy Award winner/nominee is stepping into a very recent controversy by telling this A list couple they need to clear his "second wife" or he will make life difficult for the A list couple. He is one of the very few who could do that.