She is self medicating and acting erratically.

Our favorite misspelled flowering financial institution has been having a bad couple days. She is self medicating and acting erratically. I hope she isn't mixing substances because that is when she gets to a level of manic that is frightening for her health.

I really hope she knows what to ask and what to say.

This misspelled flowering financial institution is expecting to do some recording this weekend with this foreign born one named singer. The thing is though, the one named singer is hanging out with her own bank so to speak and he is not a fan of our misspelled flower. Oh, how I want them to be in the same room with a camera rolling. I really hope she knows what to ask and what to say.

She is basically living off donations from fans and the occasional appearance.

This misspelled flowering financial institution of a singer/rapper is spinning a yarn about her latest album. The truth is no one will give her any money to make it and she has no money of her own. She is basically living off donations from fans and the occasional appearance. She is super talented but turns record companies and investors off so quickly because she gets so many people so angry.

4 binds in a row.

This A list royal is set to discuss the time she was forced to have sex with a former business associate of her father. This A list agent who has been portrayed on the big and small screen is about to be hit by a flood of sexual harassment allegations. This A+ list mostly movie actor usually keeps his homophobic remarks to himself. This misspelled flowering money holding place will probably be dead by the end of the week if she doesn't stop taking drugs.

As she says, he is not the guy he once was in the past.

Every time this misspelled bush who holds money tells her most famous story, she adds a little more too it. What still has not been said publicly by her is that she turned down the Academy Award winner because he wasn't willing to pay her for sex as he agreed to earlier in the evening.