MLM scheme

After being fired by a former A++ lister for a very very public incident that made some D listers famous, the person is now using the name of the former A++ lister to sign up people for a MLM scheme.

He was telling women that his marriage is over

He got a nickname and fame from his very brief time in the political spotlight. At a party last night, the married celeb was telling women that his marriage is over and that he was wearing a ring just so reporters wouldn't ask.

Your job is not to create drama or be the star! Your job is to serve.

When a once-trusted person finds themselves suddenly kicked to the curb, the question is always the same: Why? Gordo, The First Guy, thought he was destined to be The Hand Of The King. He tried to pull focus to himself practically the first day the ascension was announced… and was quickly given a big push out the door.

He got busted cheating on his wife

This brand new to the whole world A list celebrity who was previously known as an A lister in a corner of the white collar world got busted cheating on his wife which is what caused all the current relationship issues.

The trash will come later.

When a marriage falls apart in the world of entertainment, you always hear the same excuses, don’t you? We’ve grown apart. We don’t have anything in common anymore. We are both traveling so much. Our schedules made the relationship impossible.