He wants to do it solo.

This late night cable talk show host is using the events of this past week to try and insert himself in as host of this annual program. He wants to do it solo.

Our host has always had a thing for him.

Now that this late night talk show host is single he has been trying to hook up with that former A- list athlete who is still in the closet and went the marrying the beard route. Our host has always had a thing for him.

Just to boost ratings

To boost ratings, this late night cable host is egging on this Housewife to double down on her feud with this alliteration daytime talk show hist.

She then went on a 20 minute rant for everyone to hear about the time that one of her designer friends got used by this late night talk show host

This former child actress turned bazillionaire with A list name recognition got hammered the other night while out of the country. She then went on a 20 minute rant for everyone to hear about the time that one of her designer friends got used by this late night talk show host who had happened to dine in the restaurant earlier in the evening.

He is vile

What annoying social climber of a late night host tried to get this comedienne blackballed, with the help of an ancient gossip columnist who I will call Miss Haversham, after they blabbed to the comedienne’s former network about how she obtained that gig she was fired from? The fact that he also duped the producer and several writers of the gig to believe his lies makes this even more despicable. He is vile.