
When this singer puts on weight, people automatically assume it’s because she has been eating a lot more or exercising a lot less.

Maybe not.

Actually, her eating and exercise haven’t changed much!

It’s really all alcohol weight.

She’s been trying not to eat as much, so she drinks instead. No, she doesn’t only drink champagne.

I know that’s what people think, but she drinks wine too.

She likes her wine on the sweet side (like a riesling).

If she drinks mixed drinks, they usually have some sweet mixer (like juice) in them.

Believe it or not, she drinks beer too!

I’m only guessing, but she probably drinks about 1000 calories a day total.

An extra 1000 calories a day = 7000 calories a week = 2 lbs per week.

Yes, that’ll do it!

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Mariah Carey


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