14Sep, 2013

Being a new mom changes your life

September 14, 2013|

Becoming a mommy for the first time is supposed to be one of the most exciting life changing moments in a person’s life. However, one celebrity that just had a baby is secretly missing her single days, when the only person she had to worry about, was HERSELF. "For the past few years she has been very selfish. She has had the money and fame to do whatever she wants.

14Sep, 2013

Filming had to stop early

September 14, 2013|

Filming had to stop early yesterday because this barely A list by the skin of her chinny chin chin mostly movie actress was so wasted that she couldn't say any of her lines. She had spent the morning smoking pot and and drinking and couldn't walk or talk when she was supposed to film.

14Sep, 2013

The athlete plans on coming out soon anyway

September 14, 2013|

What openly gay TV host was furious when a staffer of his spilled the beans that he got engaged to his younger boyfriend, a not-so-closeted athlete on Fire Island during Pride Week? He's doing massive damage control, even telling his boyfriend to beard up with a model for the Fashion Week red carpets and after parties, even though the engaged couple got into a huge fight at one after party. The athlete plans on coming out soon anyway.

14Sep, 2013

They just send the bill to her mother

September 14, 2013|

This B- list celebrity offspring/C- list any kind of acting she can get thinks she is a huge star because of her last name. Whenever she goes out shopping she always wants things for free and she thinks that stores are giving it to her. They aren't. They just send the bill to her mother who pays it because she wants her daughter to feel important.

13Sep, 2013

She can no longer wear them

September 13, 2013|

Lots of celebrity couples are in New York City to enjoy fashion week – where the free swag is flowing. However, one B-list female got to see panties from a ladies collection up close and personal when she returned early to her hotel and found her man wearing ladies panties. ‘She was shocked and is trying to understand what is going on,’ a friend tells NAUGHTY BUT NICE ROB.

13Sep, 2013

If you fuck with me I will fuck you right back

September 13, 2013|

"If you fuck with me I will fuck you right back. If you are married and you tick me off, I will seduce your husband and fuck him. I've done it before and I'll do it again. (Former almost A list mostly television actress from two huge shows who still has A list name recognition).

13Sep, 2013

They are making plans for a show

September 13, 2013|

This former reality star from one of the most popular cable "reality" shows of all time, has managed to make some A list celebrities really ticked off at him over the years. The main reason is that he cheats all the time. The second reason is that he only cares for himself. Another reason is that he misses being famous, so when he had a chance to recently get on a reality show again he convinced his pregnant girlfriend that she should get an abortion and they could do the show together.

13Sep, 2013

He speaks, they pay

September 13, 2013|

This former A+ list mostly movie actor is having trouble making ends meet. You would think he would have a ton of cash but he has some very big expenses and hasn't been able to get the big movie paychecks he used to because of all the attention focused on him the past couple of years. Most of the money he earns comes from a place very close to him. He speaks, they pay. It's a great way to bring in new people and have them part with their money.

13Sep, 2013

They can make you feel very uncomfortable

September 13, 2013|

After all the negative press lately about this A- list celebrity/singer who used to be A+ she is getting a little help from a group in society who make their living not always on the right side of the law. Hey, she's family so they watch over her and are being nice and spending large to get positive reviews for her but if you don't agree then you start getting hassled and a few threats are thrown your way. They can make you feel very uncomfortable.

13Sep, 2013

He’s a little old for you

September 13, 2013|

Look, if you want to pretend that you are on some amazing spiritual journey, meeting with counselors to heal from the overwhelming grief of losing your fake boyfriend, that’s on you. You are an actor, after all, so we know that you are capable of emoting and bringing attention to yourself. But we both know who you were really canoodling with during your "spiritual retreat". He’s a little old for you, don’t you think?

13Sep, 2013

She said she was going to call the police

September 13, 2013|

This former B list actor who is probably a C+ list mostly movie actor with A list name recognition thanks to his former wife is a very sore guy this morning. Tuesday night he hired the services of an escort while in Toronto and then tried to get his money back after doing what people do. He reached for her purse and she beat the crap out of him and when he tried to grab her she sprayed him with mace before calling security.

11Sep, 2013

She is going to end up back in jail soon

September 11, 2013|

This former almost A list rapper lost all of her teeth. She says it was because of bad dental work. It was really because she can't put down the crack pipe. She used to be really popular and now she keeps selling everything to pay for her crack. Gold records? Sold. Future royalties? Sold. All for crack. She's going to end up back in jail soon.

11Sep, 2013

He should think about using a condom

September 11, 2013|

This former almost A list mostly movie actor who is known more for his relationships now than his acting likes dating young. He also is not big on responsibilities and has only seen one of his kids once in their life and that was at the birth. He says he sends a check and that's good enough. Considering he has got two other women pregnant and made them get abortions maybe he should think about using a condom.

11Sep, 2013

The person she is with didn’t exist before the two got together

September 11, 2013|

This A+ list mostly movie actress who should be an Academy Award winner/nominee but has had to settle for Golden Globes and BAFTA's is with a very interesting guy. Apparently there are fears he is using our actress for the ability to travel more freely across borders and as a cover for whatever he really does for a living because it's not what he has claimed.

11Sep, 2013

Our actor was seeing their threesome partner on his own

September 11, 2013|

This former A list soap star in both daytime and primetime is a B-/C+ list actor now. He had a long running fling with this former A list mostly television actress. The pair split because they kept arguing and the reason they were arguing is that our actor was seeing their threesome partner on his own. The threesome partner is a C+ list mostly television actress.

11Sep, 2013

You won’t ever hear the actor say a bad word about her

September 11, 2013|

They have always had one of the more unusual relationships in all of Hollywood. They barely knew each other when they got married and because of certain circumstances they decided to stay together longer than they normally would have. They gave it a shot and it has been a ride. He is an actor. I would say he will probably be a B lister forever. He has that aura about him and he has been around for what seems forever. She is an actress too but will probably be a C lister from now on although she is instantly recognizable when you see her on screen. They both tend to gravitate towards movies but he has never had much luck outside television.

11Sep, 2013

He forgot she is rich without acting

September 11, 2013|

This A list designer was asked if this former A list tween actress and now a C+ list actress with A list name recognition trying to make it in acting again could have a front row seat to the show. The designer said no because the actress is not in much any longer and he only has time for people who are popular. Later that day the designer got a call from his nominal boss/financial backer and yelled at for 15 minutes.

11Sep, 2013

Not too young to get charged with statutory rape

September 11, 2013|

If this former A list tweener and now just a regular A lister keeps hanging out with this former A list celebrity who is now a B list celebrity our A lister is going to find himself in jail. The B lister only likes having sex with underage people. Eventually one of those underage kids is going to make their way to the A lister who also likes them young but much of that is because he is young. Not too young to get charged with statutory rape though.

11Sep, 2013

His new wife would probably put up with it

September 11, 2013|

This A list mostly movie actress who has been on a roll lately was talking about her A+ list mostly movie actor ex and said that at least three times she could remember he stopped in the middle of sex. Actual sex not foreplay, but actual sex to take a call from his mother. Our actress also began to think he was calling his mom before the couple had sex and telling her to call during it.

11Sep, 2013

She is ready for a professional comeback

September 11, 2013|

You are going to be shocked when you see this former superstar in the next couple of months! Reports from the set of her latest project are that she is amazingly healthy… and fit… and mentally sharp! We can’t even remember the last year that she was all three of those thing at the same time. She is so healthy and fit that the body double and the stunt person that were hired to sub in her for on certain shots have been sitting on the sidelines during the entire shoot!

10Sep, 2013

Who calls women nasty?

September 10, 2013|

This former A list tweener who is still an A list celebrity/singer and a bane to the existence of the world freaked out because his bodyguard lost his cell phone. The cell phone that the bodyguard carries and has videos of our tweener having sex with a few different women. The ones he calls the nasty ones. He thinks any woman who has pre-marital sex is nasty but what would he do without it. Who calls women nasty?

10Sep, 2013

Our actress broke down in tears at the restaurant

September 10, 2013|

This former A list mostly movie actress is used to getting her way with guys. Well, she has to pay them, but she is used to getting her way. Our actress thought she was getting along really well with one guy half her age that she met and asked out. He gladly accepted but when she invited him back to her place at the end of the night he said he would have to charge for it or else he wouldn't get excited enough because he wasn't attracted to her. Our actress broke down in tears at the restaurant but ended up paying the guy. He was cheap compared to most of her past guys.

10Sep, 2013

They were half naked when they had to buckle in for landing

September 10, 2013|

This A list mostly television actor made use of his private jet for some sex. How is that blind? If he is having sex with this former A list mostly movie actress and didn't tell his girlfriend. "It smelled like sex and they were half naked when they had to buckle in for landing."

10Sep, 2013

She says he didn’t actually hit her..this time.

September 10, 2013|

This B-/C+ list celebrity of A+ list offspring was limping badly this week. She had tried to run from her celebrity boyfriend when he was wasted and violent and fell down the stairs. She says he didn't actually hit her..this time.

10Sep, 2013

What she has been preaching is not the way she lives

September 10, 2013|

Which celebrity that has made a second career over telling regular folks what they should eat and how they should live their lives, was recently caught eating a McDonald’s burger? Her friendship with an A-list singer has already ended, after the performer found out her friend was, ‘full of shit.’ But now, she is about to lose EVERYTHING – fearing if she is exposed everyone will know – what she has been preaching is not the way she lives!