Hollywood wants you to think they are taking a drug beginning with an O to help them lose weight.

It is a distraction.

There is a much better drug, and one that actually costs nearly nothing, but they want to keep it a secret.

It makes you lose weight even faster than the drug that begins with O.

It is also an injectable drug and one thing this A- list actress/writer/producer does every week is have injection parties, so no one has to inject themselves.

Ozempic, Mounjaro
They are Semaglutides

Mindy Kaling


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Hollywood’s Secret New Weight Loss Drug, Revealed: The Hype and Hazards of Ozempic

Last week’s Emmy awards saw big winners gush with gratitude over their agents, managers, and audiences, but there was one notable benefactor to many stars that went unthanked: the injectable drug semaglutide, whose brand name is Ozempic.

The drug is an insulin regulator for the pre-diabetic, made by the Danish pharma juggernaut Novo Nordisk, whose primary side effect is dramatic weight loss. It has saturated the industry in recent months, helping the beautiful and wealthy shed extra pounds in the never-ending Los Angeles pastime of optimizing appearances. Hollywood nutritionist Matt Mahowald tells Variety that the chief benefits of the injections are “moderating and pulling back insulin secretion, and slowing down your stomach from emptying. It promotes satiation from food.” – Source

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