This forever A List actress is having a hard time coming to the realization that she is past her prime for many leading roles she is interested in.

In her day, she was everywhere and pretty much had her pick of any movie …or any man.

Always had smiles and sweet demeanor for her adoring public, but in Hollywood she was known to be extremely difficult to work with.

People cringed when she came on set and she rarely spoke to anyone “beneath” her.

That didn’t keep her from getting work because it was a guarantee hit if she was in it.

I’ve seen firsthand what she reduces a man to once she’s decided she’s through with him…and I mean they don’t ever recover. She could chew them up and spit them out like no one I’ve ever seen.

We’ve seen hints of how she was with men, but most times they never talked about it when it was over.

Now she’s married with a family, but that doesn’t stop her from going after men she wants.

She’s convinced her husband that its not healthy to have their kids in the public eye and him being the lesser celebrity, he stays home with the kids when she travels for work.

Of course she is right, it’s not healthy…but she has ulterior motives of keeping her husband home.

When she needs good publicity, she corrals the kids and husband out to get some good photos.

Recently she had to do this for damage control in regards to what she calls a “Family Scandal” because everything is about her, while others would say its a Family Tragedy!

When she’s out of town on her own she puts the moves on waiters, valets, hotel employees….you name it.

She just needs to feel young again.

Except….men aren’t as receptive as she thinks they should be.

Some literally run out of her room in a panic because she is so forward.

She’s not the young star she used to be and her aggressive approach turns many guys off.

This approach might work for men her in her age range, but the barely 20 year olds she wants don’t like an older lady shouting at them what she wants them to do to her.

Its the same in her movie career.

Sure she still gets some good roles, but she still wants those young leading lady roles as well and gets extremely angry when she is passed over.

In reality she has many years of good roles ahead of her, but in the age group she is currently in, not 20-something Rom-Coms.

When she gets turned down for these roles she has a fit.

Directors are getting tired of her tirades when she isn’t selected…there’s many more gorgeous actresses out there and more talented than she is.

If she doesn’t just accept that her acting roles are changing, she might get ignored completely.

Julia Roberts
“Family Scandal” half sister committed suicide


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