Reader Blind

During the filming of a 1980s action film, a comedian/actor with a higher on the list deceased comedian/actor brother, was holding up production in by taking an extremely long phone call.

The crew was filming in downtown LA during the summer with no AC and were sweating profusely while waiting for the actor.

It wasn’t until a pregnant crew member stepped in and told him to get off the phone that he decided to film the scene. He got high and waited for her in the parking lot to confront her for embarrassing him.

His shouting quickly turned into him choking her and he didn’t stop until a now very powerful producer stepped in and pulled him off of her.

Jim Belushi

Brother: John Belushi

Jim Belushi: A History of Being Terrible

Casey Affleck, Eli Manning and Prince Harry can tell you — it sucks to have a more talented, more successful, more popular brother. But does it have to turn you into such a mean-spirited jerkweed? In the case of Jim Belushi, the answer appears to be: Yes, it sure does.

No SNL wall was safe with Belushi around.
“Somebody threw a chair through a wall,” says Julia Louis-Dreyfus, fondly remembering her days at Saturday Night Live. “I think that was Jim Belushi.”

“I supposedly threw a fire extinguisher at (NBC executive Dick) Ebersol,” Jim admits — or did he? “I don’t remember throwing it at him. I remember going down the hall and getting really pissed and grabbing the fire extinguisher off the wall and heaving it toward his office.”

He slapped Stephen Colbert in his deaf ear.

One night when Razowsky was performing at Second City, alum Jim Belushi decided to join the fun for an improv game called Freeze Tag.

Belushi tagged out a performer who was in a scene with Stephen Colbert, remembers Razowsky. “He took that actor’s place, assumed their exact position…then slapped Colbert across his face, hitting his deaf ear. Stephen, shocked and in pain, covered his ear, backed away, then exited the stage.”

Unfortunately, the audience thought that was pretty freaking hilarious, emboldening Belushi to hand out some more slaps. Pow! Pow! Pow!

So one day, Belushi and Jenny (lucky #3!) were driving in Santa Monica, with Jim behind the wheel. Jenny suggested a turn up ahead might provide a shorter route. Uh-oh!

“Here comes the test, guys, for a successful marriage,” wrote Belushi in an actual newspaper. “I stopped the car, pulled over to the side, took off my seat belt, did a full, dramatic turn, and looked at her in the eye. I said, “I think you’re cool, but never, ever ever tell me where to go in a car. Never point to a street, never tell me which way is shorter, never talk to me about directions while I am driving my car. Never make a sound like an ‘oof’ when there is a car coming near us. I am the master of my car. I am in charge of machinery. This is my Batmobile. Robin doesn’t tell Batman where to go. I will decide, right or wrong, which way we are going … But I still think you are cute. I like you.”

Why does comedian David Cross have beef with Jim Belushi, especially when “there are soooo many undeserving douchenozzles with inflated egos in Hollywood?” In his book, I Drink For A Reason, Cross tells the Belushi story that really burned his britches.

It was Cross’s first movie job on a long-forgotten flick called Destiny Turns on the Radio. His part was small and he had no scenes with Belushi, but Cross was there when Jim filmed his final scene set in the Stardust Casino.

Cross was waiting his turn to film, standing off to the side watching the action just like a number of bored gamblers curious about what was happening. This was long before Cross was a famous face, so no one recognized him when he overheard a woman say to her friends:

“I’m gonna try and get an autograph from Jim Belushi. I have an eight-year-old son who’s very sick and he’s a huge Jim Belushi fan.”

Cross’s first reaction: What eight-year-old is a huge Jim Belushi fan? His second reaction was to volunteer to get the autograph for the lady and her kid. He waited until Belushi was done filming and leaving the set, then approached him with a piece of paper.

Cross pointed out the woman to Belushi. “Well, she’s got an eight-year-old son who’s sick, and he’s a huge fan of yours, and she was . . .”

Belushi cut off Cross in midsentence. “Jesus, I thought you were gonna get me a blowjob.”

Cross was silent for a moment, then wondered if he’d been misunderstood. He tried again: “No, she has a sick son who …”

Now Belushi was getting angry, telling Cross, “Jesus Christ, you’re worse than my second wife” before stomping away. – Source

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