
A Reader Blind Item

Back in the day, there was a famous feud that sometimes spilled out into public view – on tv, in the courts, and on the pages of certain magazines – between two men, both now deceased.

They were on opposite ends of one spectrum, and while it may come as a shock to some the same end of a different spectrum. I say a shock to some, but practically everyone suspected it of this person (who we’ll call BO, for the series) at one time or another, on one legendary occasion possibly “200,000,000 Americans.”

He was mistaken for something else in childhood pictures, and was reprimanded as a young officer (he was not career military, you understand) for a stunt worthy of a certain formerly disgraced (times change) English author.

By the time it escalated into a legal battle – there had already been years of shouting matches and near altercations – the two had amassed impressive files on each other.

The longtime Hollywood procurer for the other (who we’ll call JW, for the debut) denies on record that any of his interests there were underage, but what of course about the time he spent abroad, in southern Europe and later in Asia?

The sworn statements provided to that legacy detective agency tell a different story.

This person went to his grave fearful about the release of these statements and related pictures.

The relatives may have been scorned, and left out of the will, but they were still telling the truth.

So, why then did BO drop the suit at the eleventh hour, fearful of what he might be asked under oath?

It might be because of what JW’s team, which included a purported former KGB spy, had found out about BO’s own interest: barely legal hustlers, often rough trade.

He’d hire them whenever he was visiting his many politician friends in DC.

He called them his “habit.”

For him, the revelation would have been enough to end his career, and bring down his empire. It’s a shame that the movie left so much of this story out.

I wonder how much the shelved one was going to say.

BO: William F Buckley

JW: Gore Vidal

Movie: The Best of Enemies

Buckley vs. Vidal: The Real Story

I’m disappointed to report that “The Best of Enemies,” the new film about William F. Buckley and Gore Vidal, is the worst of documentaries. I should know—I was acquainted with both men, and neither the individuals nor their philosophies are accurately portrayed. Worst of all, the movie badly misrepresents the very issue it purports to illuminate: the titanic battle between liberalism and conservatism in the middle of the 20 th century. – Source

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