Most of the clips are still up

Which C-list morning show regular and former co-host on that A list talk show had all her staff attempt to get any clips of the morning show host deleted from YouTube that portrayed her in an unflattering light. Yeah, the ones where she was really heavy. So far, most of the clips are still up.

A five year old can write better s**t than her

"That was one of the worst concerts I've ever been to. I'm just glad I didn't have to pay. No one other than her fans will buy her music... hell it isn't even music, it's noise. A five year old can write better s**t than her." - A+ singer and songwriter about this slowly-slipping from A to B-list eccentric diva.

The smell that follows them is like a farmyard

Which thin TV personality, who is so obsessed with keeping off the pounds, has turned to laxatives – with a nasty, smelly side effect. "You never want to be up-wind when they are around. The smell that follows them is like a farmyard. It is disgusting. Now they have an assistant constantly spraying fragrances but NOTHING can cover up what is coming out of her bottom!" As embarrassing a problem as this is, it has now been made worse by the fact that a new venture has resulted in her being surrounded by lots of people 5-days a week! PHEW!

She is shocked he manages to even have sex considering all the steroids he takes

This C+ list mostly television actress who would love to get a lead in a Lifetime movie has caught a little break recently with her new gig. Anyway, she is really more famous for the people she has dated and thought she was going to marry this A+ list mostly movie actor until he dumped her for someone younger. Our actress says that she is shocked he manages to even have sex considering all the steroids he takes that has shriveled him up to nothing and makes him rage at people at least once an hour. Bad breakup, I'm guessing.

He said she got too fat for him

This C- list actress says that her former co-star from two decades ago still calls her looking to hook up whenever his wife is out of town. The co-star has A list name recognition but limits himself to reality now after failing to find traction as an actor the past decade. He used to call another co-star who made it almost to A list before dropping back to earth but he said she got too fat for him.

He has been doing this to the actress for years

I used to feel sorry for this former A list tween actress who now looks for work like every other actress in town. Maybe she should go back to singing. She is pretty good at it. Anyway two nights ago she was out with her girlfriends and her celebrity husband was doing his thing with the waitress he met a few months back. He's being so open about it and the actress does nothing. I know the guy has money but at some point you have to have some self-respect. He has been doing this to the actress for years.

One of these days they will regret it

This B-/C+ list mostly television actor has been on some great television shows. Big hit shows for the networks. After practically getting thrown off one show for his behavior he was kicked to the curb from his last big hit because the lead actress in the show said she always caught him trying to catch her naked and even once caught him with a camera trying to get photos of her naked. Even with all of the trouble he causes, people keep giving him more chances. One of these days they will regret it.

She’s too controversial

This former almost A list movie and television actress has been in rehab back in the day when she had a massive drug problem. The divorced and never remarried actress who still has A list name recognition has been ballooning in size again and her boozing is out of control. Her family has tried to stage interventions but the actress is not having any of it. The actress rarely works any longer because she's too controversial.

She called and texted him begging him to come home

This A+ list everything except acting went crazy on her celebrity husband last week. It was the worst she ever was and he bailed out for several days leaving her at home with the kids. She called and texted him 24/7 begging him to come home and promised she would change. He came home but only after spending the time with one of his favorite women on the side.

She has moved back home with her parents

This former tweener actor was on a very hit television show back in the day. As in a decade long run on a network and several seasons as the number one show. He's married but since he hasn't been able to find much acting work he's been taking his failures out on his wife. She has moved back home with her parents after the last beating caused eye damage that needed an operation to be fixed.

She was out of her mind on drugs but he was stone cold sober

What's the rule on half-sibling sex? Is it still incest? This former A-/B+ list mostly movie actress had sex with her half-brother about 18 months ago. She was out of her mind on drugs but he was stone cold sober. She wants to include the story in a new book but her publishers are scared of touching it.