This foreign born news mogul is going to buy an entire cable channel for his girlfriend and get it distribution.

Rupert Murdoch

Lesley Ann Smith

Prenup advice for Rupert Murdoch as romance blossoms

When asked about succession planning, Rupert Murdoch once famously quipped that he planned to ‘live forever’. Now 91, the four-time married media mogul has recently been photographed with his new girlfriend, Ann-Lesley Smith, 66, in what could be the latest twist in his multi-billion-dollar succession.

Anyone who has watched the Emmy-winning drama series Succession on HBO could be forgiven for thinking, ‘whatever are Lachlan and the rest of the Murdoch children going to make of all this?’

Particularly as rumours abound that it was Lachlan Murdoch who helped to mastermind the legal and PR process of Murdoch’s divorce from fourth wife, Jerry Hall, 66, after the couple reportedly fell out of love during the pressures of Covid-19 enforced lockdown. – Source

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