
Reader Blind – Old Hollywood

The first word that comes to mind when one thinks of this deceased foreign born permanent A+ actor is class but he also had a very earthy sense of humor.

Before being an actor, he did something where he had to be in good shape and also very limber.

He maintained that conditioning and would sometimes demonstrate this at Hollywood parties by performing a sexual act on himself.

Cary Grant

How Cary Grant Started Out As An Acrobat

Cary Grant was prized in motion pictures for his suave, sophisticated style, a manner of talking, moving and dressing that bespoke, above all, class. However, if you watch his performances closely–very closely–you will note two things. One is a slight accent. The other is a surprising facility for physical comedy, whether its face-pulling, tumbles, or double takes. The former has to do with his modest English origins. The latter was the result of his many formative years spent as a member of comic acrobatic troupe in music hall and vaudeville.

Archibald Leach was born in Bristol, England in 1904 to a drunken father and a controlling, mentally ill mother. At age nine young Archie was informed that his mother was “away for a rest”. She was only in a sanitarium, a fact which Leach did not learn until 1935 when he was the famous movie star Cary Grant.

As a youngster he became a production assistant at various Bristol Theatres. In 1917, barely in his teens, he joined Bob Pender’s Knockabout Comedians. The company toured the provinces for the next couple of years. In 1920, they boarded the Olympic for a booking in America. The troupe opened at the Hippodrome in a revue called “Good News”, which ran for 9 months. In 1921 they toured the Keith Circuit, with a final gig at the Palace in 1922. – Source

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