
I’ve been telling you about this CEO’s regular money laundering for almost 2 years.

Another layer of the onion has just been peeled back, for everyone to see.

Adam Neumann
Adam Neumann is an Israeli billionaire businessman. In 2010, he co-founded WeWork, alongside Miguel McKelvey. He served as WeWork’s CEO from 2010–2019

WeWork C.E.O. Adam Neumann Steps Down Under Pressure

Adam Neumann turned WeWork into one of the most valuable start-ups in the world largely through the force of his outsize personality. He persuaded investors to give him billions of dollars and employees to believe that the shared-office company was changing the world.

That same mix of ambition and idealism forced Mr. Neumann to step down as chief executive after a lengthy board meeting on Tuesday. He was under pressure from directors and investors after he led a botched attempt to take the closely watched company public. The announcement marked a swift and stunning fall for Mr. Neumann, who had enormous control over WeWork and spoke about the company with missionary zeal — he has said the company aimed to “elevate the world’s consciousness.”

WeWork expanded with breakneck speed in recent years, putting co-working locations in dozens of countries and becoming the largest commercial tenant in Manhattan. It attracted a private valuation of $47 billion as recently as January, with top Wall Street bankers telling Mr. Neumann that his company could be worth a lot more once its shares traded on the stock market.

Mr. Neumann, 40, was the company’s charismatic frontman, a towering, hard-partying Israeli with long hair and a penchant for leather jackets and tequila. He used the company to fund his pet projects, maintained a lavish lifestyle complete with private jets and luxury homes. And Mr. Neumann was highly impulsive — he once banned meat at the company, forcing executives to quickly come up with a rationale for why. – Source

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