He says his accusers are all wrong

Call me crazy, but when this director/creator/showrunner, trying a redemption tour on for size, says that the dozens of people who accused him of horrific behavior are all wrong, and he is the one who is correct, that is doing much for your redemption.

Teen Mom is getting out of hand.

The drug use by this former? Teen Mom is getting out of hand. Instead of doing something about it, she is asking if there is a reality show paycheck she could land before and after rehab.

The Author – The Code

It has been nearly three decades in the making, but due to a recent discovery of a long lost manuscript, a sequel to a book will finally determine once and for all the identity of one of the most famous serial killers of all time.

3 blinds in a row

Source: Crazy Days and Nights Apparently the decision not to mention her secret child in her documentary was at the request of the child who doesn’t want the attention it would bring. [read more]

Meaningless statement

The statement from the cable channel is meaningless. First of all, they didn't stop filming with the fired cast member until AFTER the cast got to confront her. Second, the vetting is never going to change. It has always been atrocious which is why they had to shut down a franchise after just a few seasons.

Another kindness item

I know, I think it is a first for sure. A teen ager was doing a TikTok dance outside a store and had no idea the A list everything in her mind was in it. She saw him doing his dance and walked out of the store like she was on a runway. The teen had no idea she had done it or who she was until he played back the video.


This former A list professional athlete now celebrity and this former A list celebrity/syndicated actress/reality star/celebrity, were sitting with an employee of the athlete’s business when the employee mentioned she was missing her nephew’s high school graduation the next day because of a work conflict.

Technically there is no second tape.

It was all in one and certain extreme acts were removed. So, yes, the alliterate reality star is correct, but her A list ex also knows what those scenes contain and could make things very uncomfortable should he describe them for the world. It has been discussed before, but coming from the ex would just give it much more attention.

The Kid – Old Hollywood.. Kind Of

There are now multiple generations who believe this former A+ list mostly movie actress was one of the most horrible celebrity parents of all time. There have been articles and books and movies made about horrible she was as a parent. There are two words that are synonymous with her in the English language.