She said she needed a few more months so he cheated

This B- list actor who divides his time between movies and television but is most well known for his long run on an even longer running comedy show says he got divorced because his actress wife wanted him to wait until they were married to have sex and then when they got married she said she needed a few more months so he cheated.

His wife is so incredibly nice that this really sucks

This former second fiddle on an almost network hit that was recently canceled got a huge break in her career when she was cast to star in a network hit that needed a fresh face. Apparently that weekend she spent with the married A list movie and television actor helped her land the role. You know, his wife is so incredibly nice that this really sucks.

This is the most screwed up relationship ever and they are barely even dating

This is the most screwed up relationship ever and they are barely even dating. He is a B+ list mostly television actor who is hoping that his new sitcom stays on the air. He has the worst luck with shows staying on the air even when they are really good. So, he has been dating this C list celebrity who has a A list celebrity name thanks to an earlier relationship. She likes to come across as sexy and hot and wild but she is so tame and so not into sex that our actor is already seeing other women on the side to get sex he isn't getting with his girlfriend. Why does he even stay with her? It has only been a few months.

He spent almost $125K partying with a bunch of women

This C list actor and B list television host and former B list rapper with A list name recognition told his baby mama that he is broke and can't afford child support. I wonder if that excuse would fly in front of a judge after this weekend where he spent almost $125K partying with a bunch of women.

She will incorporate his infidelity into a story line!

This woman wants you to believe that she is a really honest person and that her marriage is great. Ha! That’s not even close to the truth! Despite her manipulative ways, she just couldn’t stop reports that her husband has been cheating on her. So she is now going to try a new tactic. She will incorporate his infidelity into a story line! "Oh, poor me! My husband has been unfaithful! Please support me as I go through this painful chapter that so many other women have experienced!" The public will get to experience the separation and the divorce along with her. It’s all bull. She married her husband because he was a successful businessman, and she knew that he was going to be unfaithful long before she married him.

His second wife might be curious to wonder…

This former NFL star and Pro Bowler already has an extremely shady reputation when it comes to fidelity because of what he did to his first wife. His second wife might be curious to wonder why a really young blonde was sitting in the former player's lap for a good thirty minutes after she took a photo with him and why he entered her phone number into his phone and all the kisses the woman was giving too.

He buys the producers of the show weekly gifts to try and land the not vacant job

This former A+ list tween celebrity was one of the very few tweeners back in the day. Now he is just a celebrity/singer living off that past fame. Apparently he is also willing to do anything to secure what he thinks would be the perfect job. It is the host of a network reality show and our former tweener trashes the current host every chance he gets and buys the producers of the show weekly gifts to try and land the not vacant job.

The celebrity was not seen using coke but did ask the friend if she had some with her.

This B list celebrity with A list name and breast recognition who has had some issues lately scheduled a C section for her last child so she knew exactly when she would have to stop using coke to not test positive in the hospital. That was the only time she didn't use coke the entire pregnancy. The friend who told me this also visited the celebrity in the hospital. The celebrity was not seen using coke but did ask the friend if she had some with her.

I hope she gets paid really well for her hypocrisy.

This C list celebrity with the funny name who has an A list mouth and has been outspoken on the horrors of taking pills for depression takes three daily for her own depression while still telling every one in the press how depression is not a real disease. I hope she gets paid really well for her hypocrisy.

Not that she doesn’t smoke pot

This A- list mostly movie actress who is also an Academy Award nominee/winner is beloved by no one (not Anne Hathaway) and is so concerned about her own image that she refused to let people smoke pot at her house for fear someone would take a photo and she might be in the photo. Not that she doesn't smoke pot because she does. It is probably the only time she ever relaxes her sphincter muscles.

That’s all we have to pay them?

"That's all we have to pay them? I love owning a company. No wonder they all have to work two jobs." B list mostly movie actress who refuses to make a movie for less than $10M talking about the employees of her company.

She was a mean and nasty version of herself

This former B+ list mostly television actress from a couple of hit shows who is trying her hand at a new line of work that seems totally unlike her was out of her mind on coke the other night. I don't know if the coke was laced with something but she was a mean and nasty version of herself and had a crazy look in her eyes. I'm guessing incidents like this are why she won't be invited back for her new gig a second time.