Recent revelation

This recent revelation means that at least five celebrities have slept with two of the reality sisters and at least one has slept with three.

He now has lost his biggest client.

The directionally challenged rapper is not only having financial issues and threats on his life, he now has lost his biggest client. The face tattoo loving A+ list hip hop star is now just hitting up rub and tugs to find his girlfriends and doesn't need them found for him any longer.

He is way behind on payments.

The directionally challenged rapper is having trouble with his many businesses and is desperately trying to raise cash for the people who sort of protect his interests. He is way behind on payments.

She decided to hire the same bot farm

It might be too late, but the A- list singer/bad actress decided to hire the same bot farm as the directionally challenged rapper to make her song hit the top of the charts. This doesn't even include the six figures she dropped purchasing her latest effort to achieve the same goal.

The directionally challenged rapper gamed the system.

The directionally challenged rapper gamed the system. The system didn't appreciate it because they have their own payola system going on that is only legal because they call it sponsorship/advertising rather than what it is, which is payola. Labels buy "ads" for songs that suddenly shoot to the top of the charts.