Always on the wrong side

The huge online tabloid is seemingly always on the wrong side of fights. This time, as usual, they have decided they are against the permanent A list "singer."

It is embarrassing.

It is one thing to be state media for the momager, but when you are, you could at least get the facts straight and not refer to something years old that s not even referencing the family. I know the momager is desperate for attention because there are only so many in home selfies the family can take, but literally none of the article is true about the family member or the north of the border A+ lister.

2 blinds in a row

This online tabloid who is by far the biggest is subtly telling the world which female celebrities are available or have done yachting this year. / The A list everything in her mind is trying her best to land one of the biggest annual live television events. The thing is, she doesn't have any huge hits.

It’s becoming obvious that battle lines have been drawn, the talk show host is using that three lettered website as her PR arm.

What soon to be ex husband of that talk show host and his mistress are still peddling fake info to that YouTube gossip blogger that he and his soon to be ex wife are getting back together? It's becoming obvious that battle lines have been drawn, the talk show host is using that three lettered website as her PR arm. The ex husband did reveal to that YouTuber that the host did hire a guy to pose as her boyfriend. There's been reports that the ex husband has been selling off his personal belongings to pay for a attorney to prepare for the soon to be approaching legal trouble.

3 blinds in a row

This foreign born permanent A list celebrity is pitching a reality show. Her last one was a disaster. She wants the show though to keep her philandering husband at home more often. / She has been a mainstay on a pay cable hit show for years. Meanwhile, her husband has been having an affair with another man for the past three years. / Even the biggest online tabloid is now taking money to promote those who yacht and want to be hired as yachters.