He managed to skip town before being prosecuted.

This famous American chef who spawned a hit sitcom tried to escape the pandemic last year by fleeing to his parents' birth country. It was, at the time, one of the safest places in the world to be. He first got into trouble for breaking the country's quarantine guidelines. They let that slide since he's such a big star and many people were proud of his success.

A pilot and a flight attendant skipped out on quarantine to have an affair

This notorious airline named after a place it isn't really based in is about to get into really hot water. It has managed to single-handedly destroy its country's once-revered COVID situation. A pilot and a flight attendant skipping out on quarantine to have an affair, and barely having any of its pilots get vaccinated is just the tip of the iceberg. Several of its employees have been playing fast and loose with quarantine policies, and it is now starting to show.