Our singer likes to say he was devastated. Screw that.

I thought about writing more about this foreign born former A list musician who was famous for buying tweens and teens from their parents to be used by him for a few weeks or months before he would sell them to other musicians or roadies and move on to the next, but I really hate that he is not in jail and when I write too much about him, I get really angry and think about all those female tweens and teens he raped for decades.

I just think it is amusing given the recent tabloid buzz.

Back in the day, maybe 20 years ago or so when she was first starting out, this permanent A list mostly movie actress who really doesn't act much any longer hooked up with this foreign born permanent A++ list singer. I just think it is amusing given the recent tabloid buzz.

He was talking to himself and kept getting up and down while at the table.

This permanent A list rocker was really out of it at a recent dinner. He was talking to himself and kept getting up and down while at the table. He would pace around in a circle before he would finally agree to sit back down and then repeat the process three or four minutes later. It was driving the diners closest to him and his significant other, nuts.

One of these days that body is going to let him down.

This permanent A list singer from a permanent A list group is aging. He has struggled with substance abuse all his adult life. Apparently he has started drinking a lot again which always leads to pills and other harder drugs. One of these days that body is going to let him down. His girlfriend is enabling all this because when he is sober he talks about breaking up with her.

Now he is hooked again.

Apparently this permanent A list singer from a permanent A list group was using natural drugs for some shaman ceremonies. This in turn led him to believe he could use stronger drugs again which was idiotic.

At his age he is going to kill himself unless he stops

This aging A list rock star wants you to believe he is sober. He isn't even close. He was popping pills like they were Skittles last night. Over Christmas he passed out in the same restaurant two nights in a row when he combined all those pills with booze. At his age he is going to kill himself unless he stops.