What about the names that are scribbled out

Sure, there are lots of big names on this Actress’ list of conquests. But what about the names that are scribbled out? We know who they are and there definitely appears to be a pattern with them! Here are a few: A famous Director who has been known to hook up with actresses. He had a significant other at the time of their affair. A big-name Producer who has financed more than one award-winning film. He had a significant other at the time of their affair. A good-looking Actor 1 whose films have won major awards. He had a significant other at the time of their affair. A good-looking Actor 2 who is best known for his starring role in a popular film series. He had a significant other at the time of their affair.

Our athlete was hit on by a guy who seemed decent enough

This A- list celebrity/athlete got a little tipsy over the weekend. OK, she got a lot tipsy. She did show better judgment in guys than her previous boyfriend though. Our athlete was hit on by a guy who seemed decent enough that she had sex with him in the back of a car at the party. Not her car though. Just the first one they came to with a driver who would let them in. I wonder if she told her sister.