He counted down the days while filming until our actress turned 18 and then would not stop hitting on her

This foreign born B+ list model/actress said she was filming a movie a couple of years ago with this foreign born A- list mostly movie actor who has a very very busy franchise for the next few years. She says that even though he was married, he counted down the days while filming until our actress turned 18 and then would not stop hitting on her. He tried to get her drunk. He tried to get her to do coke with him. She is fairly sure he tried to drug a drink or two of hers and made life just unbearable the last couple weeks of shooting.

Would you want a two hundred million dollar movie dependent on this guy?

This foreign born actor seemed destined to be A list just a couple of years ago. He had a huge franchise and was wanted for tons of movies. There seemed to be no way he was not going to reach A list status. Now, not only is he in danger of dropping from B to even lower, but the director of the franchise is on the fence about bringing our actor back because of the sheer volume of drugs he is using and his behavior and attitude. Recently he was out of town and in the back of a limo and doing coke with his equally messed up girlfriend.