She now knows not to trust him

The permanent A list "singer" must have discovered one of the other women that her significant other has been seeing. She now knows not to trust him, but she has no one else, so will probably end up keeping him.

She has a lot of PTSD from back in the day.

The A list "singer" doesn't really like to go out. She has a lot of PTSD from back in the day. So, if he wants to get papped, the boyfriend has to make those arrangements on his own and frequently does so. He is some kind of thirsty. He always tries to get them to come out to her location, but always ends up having to go into town because he isn't worth their trip alone.

3 blinds in a row

This A+ list mostly movie actor has been hooking up with multiple people, including a recent co-star. Does this mean we are finally at the end of the relationship everyone wanted to see him leave. / The boyfriend of the permanent A list "singer" has been taking meetings saying he has financing for a movie he is producing. It is her money, but she will regret doing that when they split. / This foreign born A list Marvel superhero is cheating on his wife again.

The boyfriend of the “singer” only wants the money that comes with being a dad.

The ex might have been a freeloading/gold digger, BUT, and this is a big but, he is a really good dad and has had a stable relationship for a very long time. Can you imagine if there hadn't been a stable father figure in a loving relationship for the kids to be sent? The boyfriend of the "singer" only wants the money that comes with being a dad. It wouldn't shock me if the ex ends up raising the baby when the boyfriend and "singer" invariably split.

Love a happy ending but.. this won’t have that.

I would concur with the A/A- list actress who is an Oscar winner when she advised the "singer" to get a prenup. I would also advise the singer to do a little background check on the current status of the marriage of her betrothed. You know me. I always love a happy ending. This won't have that.

3 blinds in a row

Just as I told you would happen months ago when the "singer" was free to make her own decisions, the Svengali was going to be there waiting. He isn't worried about a restraining order. He has the boyfriend in the palm of his hand. / There are at least three women that are having an affair with the significant other of a Potomac Housewife. / This former Teen Mom was recently at an amusement park and was hateful to everyone she met there. She thinks she is A+ list. Her dad was there too and he was treated even more badly then she was treating strangers.

This would be a horrible decision

The boyfriend of the "singer" has been telling people close to him that the singer is willing to finance a movie starring the boyfriend. That would be a horrible decision on par with her ex wanting to be a rapper.