I suppose she thinks she is the big name now that the big name quit.

The franchise that has multiple cities will play along for a bit with the east coaster, but she needs them far more than they need her. I suppose she thinks she is the big name now that the big name quit. The thing is though, she was going to be pushed out in the next year or two anyway as they try and reboot way younger.

What was in the envelope?

This Real Housewife (Not Miami or Atlanta, because no one cares) finally got confirmation of her husband's long rumored wandering peen. Once she had the proof, ever the dutiful wife, she packed up his clothes, after shredding them to ribbons, of course. Then had a messenger bring her husband an envelope where he was working. What was in the envelope? I patch of leather she carved out of the seat of his most prized car and a note that she knew, and it was over.