It is not like he has ever not cheated because he has from day one.

Apparently one of the many women this foreign born A-/B+ list mostly movie actor from a big acting family was hooking up with on a regular basis had a pregnancy scare which brought the relationship and others to the attention of this former A+ list tweener turned A-/B+ list singer. It is not like he has ever not cheated because he has from day one.

What started out as needling escalated to fight

What started out as needling from this Academy Award winner turned into something a whole lot more when this former A+ list former tweener turned A-/B+ list adult singer escalated the situation in a hurry from needling to what could have been a fight.

If you think that she didn’t stage the crying, you would be wrong.

Remember when we told you about the phony male singer who decided to stage his comeback by giving himself a clean-cut makeover? And remember when we told you about how carefully he staged crying at the very end of a performance so that people would feel his sincerity as and embrace him once again as the angelic, innocent kid he once was?

Who knew they hated each other so much.

Who knew they hated each other so much. This foreign former boy bander not named Harry or Zayn ran into this former A+ list tweener actress who has a new record out. They were both doing interviews at Sirius. They had a few words back and forth. Some really nasty language from him towards her.

The two women don’t know about each other.

Once again the buzz is that this tweener actress turned performance artist is married to the foreign born actor from an acting family. If they are, then he is cheating on her at least a couple of times a week with two women. Not at the same time. The two women don’t know about each other.