She wanted to watch television!

This Actress is now spending most of her time simply accompanying her cute Significant Other to his job. However, even when she goes to work with him, she still acts like it is all about her! A couple of weeks ago she was totally alone in his dressing room. After he was done working, the S.O. invited some people back to his dressing room to hang out. Did she greet them and network with them? No. The Actress was annoyed that they were invading her space. However, rather than approaching them directly or talking to her S.O. about it, she simply walked up to the bodyguard and said, "Make them all leave! Now! And make sure that they didn’t take any photos!" Yes, the guests heard her, and the embarrassed S.O. sheepishly escorted them out. What was the actress’ compelling reason for being so anti-social? She wanted to watch television! Yes, it was his dressing room at his workplace, but she thinks that if she is in a room, it belongs to her. Guess we now know who is in control of that relationship!

When the production company balked, the actress paid for the rental for the entire year

This is about an actress who everyone loves. I believe she could do no wrong in the mind of most women because of her roles and in the minds of most men because of her looks. The thing that makes this B list actress so great is that she does guy movies and the movies where a guy must be really in the doghouse to attend. Behind the scenes she has had her ups and downs but for the most part she has been who you want her to be. Imagine her to be. Some very bad choices in men recently. One in particular who has never said no to any woman at any time. Anyway, this is about the good she did recently. Quietly.

Actor hates the new boyfriend of the actress

Talk about breaking a confidence. These two co-stars were bff. One is a B- list mostly movie actor from some very hit movies and the other is an almost A list mostly movie actress from some very hit movies who has had some very interesting boyfriend choices. Anyway, the two got into a huge fight because the actor hates the new boyfriend of the actress and thinks he is a pig. The actor has been telling everyone his feelings so our actress told everyone she knows that the actor tried to kill himself a few years ago.