Truth will eventually come out.

A single reality dad is starting over — but a crazy ex is hell-bent on breaking up his sweet happily ever after. The reality dad found his true love, however, a former fling’s filial obsession with smearing his new girlfriend’s reputation has veered into stalker territory.

There are people who get fired and go on social media ragers against their on camera enemies for weeks or months after they have been let go.

Look, we all know that none of the ensemble casts knew each other from Adam when the first season started shooting. However, relationships form when people work together. Especially when they work together year after year on a show that gives us at least a small window into their lives. Just like any other workplace, sometimes romantic relationships develop. More commonly friendships develop and occasionally people get together in between filming seasons. It’s kind of like teaching. I had strong cliques at some schools I worked at and we would often go out every Friday after work.