The word is out to not work with her

This really bad actress who never changed her acting name when she got married to a producer/financier/serial casting coucher all of you know, knows he will be back in the film business in a few weeks and has been trying to line up some roles for herself or a movie to produce. The word is out to not work with her though because her husband has got a new wife on the line who is half the age of his current wife.

Maybe some acting lessons would be the better route.

This foreign born D list mostly movie actress who has no problems getting naked in movies and most of you know or have seen pictures/stories of despite the D rating paid $2M towards the financing of a movie to get herself a part. A big part, but maybe some acting lessons would be the better route.

It will go down in a huge ball of flames.

Normally there would be no need to discuss a C list actress in this space. If a C lister made it into the blinds it would be at different time of day. The fact that this actress is actually C list might come as a surprise to a lot of you. If she was not such an unpleasant person, and basically buying her way into roles, she might be B- list. She literally does buy her way into roles and gives herself fairly high billing.