Has been quietly settling a bunch of potential lawsuits against him from women

Just a couple of years ago, this standup comic turned A list mostly television actor was the talk of the town. Then, he had some PR problems that really didn’t make it into the supermarket tabloids but that all of you knew. It turns out that for much of the past couple of years he has been quietly settling a bunch of potential lawsuits against him from women.

He just wanted to change the room

Two weeks ago this former A+ list comedian, who is still A list caused a small fire in his very expensive hotel room while he was freebasing. OK, not that small of a fire, but he put it out himself. He then asked the hotel staff to put him in a different room because his smelled bad. He didn't even mention the fire even though it had set off the suppression system in his room. He just wanted to change. They let him.