There has been no mention of the ex.

As I told you before, the NDA signed by the former A list reality star turned celebrity turned B list reality star is not an all encompassing keep your mouth quiet NDA except about the reality star's ex. There has been no mention of the ex. So, all this talk about fines and whatnot is just buzz to write a story.

The momager has visions of being his manager and 10%, but nope.

As much as this momager would love for the one named north of the border A+ lister to be interested in her daughter, it isn't going to happen, no matter how much she leaks to the press otherwise. The momager has visions of being his manager and 10%, but nope. He sees what happened to the former A+ lister and the dead careers of half a dozen others that got swallowed in that black hole.

The momager was wrong.

The momager thought it would be great exposure. The momager was wrong. There was no need for extra security because no one really wanted to meet the two reality stars who definitely won't be back.

Of course, it could have been the momager who made that happen.

If you believe the hype, these two former bff are still bff and follow each other as finsta friends. I'm not sure I believe it considering there are things they could have done privately to keep their friendship alive that have burned bridges that are tough to rebuild. Of course, it could have been the momager who made that happen.

It was all just based on a hunch.

The call and the tip to the tabloid all came from the same phone number. A phone number which was never even present at the location where cops were sent. It was all just based on a hunch. The person behind the phone number will do it again and again if needed.

The momager called in every favor to every tabloid on and offline

I will say one thing. This A/A- list rapper who is a serial cheater despite what he might say when the person holding the puppet strings tells him what to say is not usually dumb enough to do something on a balcony. The momager called in every favor to every tabloid on and offline and what she should do is find a guy who won't cheat.