3 blinds in a row

3 blinds in a row: Naughty list / This shouldn't have been a shocker. / She was talked into it last weekend by the others in the group.

Not Ellen or Wendy Williams.

This celebrity/talk show host is A list. The crazy thing is, despite being on television five days a week, she still has more thirst and is paying several online websites to feature her on a nearly daily basis and to have some of those posts permanently embedded on the front page of their sites. Not Ellen or Wendy Williams.

This is all making things awkward

This is all making things awkward between the frosted tip having, got away with sexual harassment, mogul and his on air buddy who pretends they are best friends. That on air buddy plugs the reality shows from this reality family almost every week on the former's show.

3 blinds in a row

This permanent A list singer is hooked up to a GPS type system through his phone so his celebrity wife can keep track of him wherever he goes. She says it is for safety, but it is really because she is insanely jealous. / There is so much effort to get this A list talk show co-host from her long time job that it is a wonder there is any energy left to actually do the show. / This barely a celebrity offspring of at least one permanent A lister struck out with some women over the weekend despite a seemingly never ending supply of coke.