It would be major, major celebrity real estate news.

Not just celebrity real estate news. It would be major, major celebrity real estate news. About a piece of property that once belonged to an iconic entertainer. What was once a happy place became associated with controversy and then pretty much abandoned. Someone however, supposedly wants to restore its glory. But enough to buy it?

Maybe she was referring to her ex

The joke would be funny if this A list reality star actually did have sex with her husband. Maybe she was referring to her ex who has been spotted in the neighborhood several times over the past couple of months.

I guess the power of a cheque will have to make do for now

This A lister has been banned from making any charitable appearances regarding Hurricane Irma over a media appearance during the last big disaster. "[Name omitted] is a lovely person,’ says the source, ‘but a quiet check is the way to go. [gender omitted] humiliated themselves last time around.’ I guess the power of a cheque will have to make do for now.

Rapper was not supposed to drive

The entire night was scripted door to door for this married couple’s recent date. It was all done to make sure paps could capture every moment. One thing that changed was that this former A+ list rapper was not supposed to drive. His meds make that very dangerous.

Things are not going to be solved with a quick meeting

Don’t believe the hype. As usual, the news coming from this outlet is heavily biased towards the family and helping them out rather than reality. This former A+ list rapper owes a ton of money to this permanent A+ list rapper and did and said a lot of things that are not going to be solved with a quick meeting. There definitely won’t be a face to face one for a bit.