It seemed like forever love not that long ago.

This permanent A+ list athlete who has moves named after her caught her boyfriend cheating and broke up with him. It seemed like forever love not that long ago. Apparently Valentine's Day was super awkward because that is when it all came to light.

She has been hooking up with the boss for nearly a year now.

This B+ list actress is sticking with her celebrity husband (who never has a chance of being the highest in his family tree of multiple A++ listers ) even though he has a history of cheating. She might change her mind if she knew he was hooking up with that 20 year old college intern who somehow managed to be the only intern ever to keep her job after a summer. She has been hooking up with the boss for nearly a year now.

Our actor let her drink his drink while she sat on his lap

This married B list mostly movie actor who has never reached the heights he did with the role that got him his Academy Award win/nomination was out with a woman most definitely not his wife. Apparently she was young enough looking that the waiter asked her for i.d. when she ordered a drink and she did the whole didn't bring her license with her trick. Our actor let her drink his drink while she sat on his lap though.