Will this girl EVER learn???

The female part of this duo is paranoid that it will get out that she was seeing him before the official break up of her last "relationship." She thinks she manages her reputation with an iron fist...but in reality does a very bad job of it. When it comes to her personal life, she just won't listen to her team. The male part of this duo was telling his model ex girlfriend that he wanted her back and they were hooking back up on the down low. He told his new piece that he wanted to keep things quiet for her situation and came off as so noble when it was actually the opposite. Will this girl EVER learn???

He says his wife doesn’t mind

This B list rapper/some time reality star was hitting on this A list in her mind everything. When the A lister pointed out the B lister is married he says his wife doesn't mind.

Apparently the hatchet has been buried

This former A list couple Skyped for an hour last week and made plans to hang out this week. In public. Together. There will be other people there, but apparently the hatchet has been buried. They both have moved on, but do like hanging out and also love fucking with the press.

When the uproar about her cancellation became too loud, those mysterious production issues suddenly evaporated

This multi-hyphenate’s PR team is more entertaining than she is! They have been working so hard to keep their star from being embarrassed this week that they are just throwing tons of hilarious fictional poop against the wall hoping that something – anything! – will stick. "They actually broke up earlier this year." No. They were never really dating at all. That "earlier this year" comment was just an attempt to distance her from her fake boyfriend’s scandal. "She will not be performing due to production issues." No. There were no production issues. She just wanted to avoid being seen in public for a while.

Is he aware that her bodyguard is guarding certain parts of her body more closely than necessary?

This multi-hyphenate has been dating her current boyfriend for more than two years. However, their relationship may not be as solid as she wants you to believe. She was waiting outside of a building late at night for her driver to come around with the car. Her bodyguard was standing next to her. He had his hand on her ass. No, it wasn’t a mistake or an accidental gesture. She was wearing a form-fitting outfit, and her well-defined waist is a good six inches higher than her butt.

She even did a finger pointing thing

This A list diva and C list everything else, except for reality, I will give her a B+ there, yelled at a fan last night after a show taping because the fan said that her mother loved the diva. I would probably have given her an A list rating for reality but, much like her career, the show isn't what it used to be. Apparently our diva still likes to think of herself as being in her 20's and really overreacted to the fan. She even did a finger pointing thing.

The guy was bright red and was being treated like a kid

Proving that just because you win an award doesn't make you a nice person, this A list in her mind do everything yelled at her boyfriend in front of a group of people for 20 minutes last week prior to a show. The guy was bright red and was being treated like a kid.