Some of those records have been released. Others have not.

It turns out, this A list lawyer has made quite the sum of money from interested persons. How so? Well, there are certain records that the lawyer controls. The records show who was with the billionaire pedophile at certain points in time. Some of those records have been released. Others have not. The lawyer approached people listed in the records and asked for a monthly cash payment to keep those records from being released.

The pedophile knew if this relationship became public, that it would be denied by the CEO and that is exactly what is happening now.

I have previously written about the procurer/madam/child rapist who befriended the celebrity CEO and who befriended her right back minus the George Clooney bathroom special. The celebrity CEO did spend time also with the pedophile getting advice, presumably not about pedophilia. The pedophile knew if this relationship became public, that it would be denied by the CEO and that is exactly what is happening now.

Apparently she didn’t find out it happened until five or six years after the occurrences.

Although this family has tried to hide things for a little over a decade, this not quite all the way back in to the family has been trying to convince an offspring to come forward with her story about being molested by the billionaire pedophile. Apparently she didn't find out it happened until five or six years after the occurrences. She wants to discuss it or have her offspring discuss it, but at the same time it would bring more pressure to bear on the family because there was one family member who knew it had happened, but kept on keeping on.

The question is whether they were underage. All of them appeared to be.

As I have been telling you for about a year, this federal agency has tried to multiple ways to talk to this royal and was being blocked by law enforcement and the government of that country. The cracks began to break when the law enforcement agency in that country spoke to the disgraced actor about some events he witnessed when he was with the royal and the pedophile. One of the offspring primarily lives in the US and she is also wanted for an interview.

She is still an actress, but she doesn’t work enough at that to pay the bills.

This past week, I had a chance to talk to this trying to get back to A- list actress who early railroaded her career not that long ago. It was the most basic conversation. Coffee line stuff. Then, she mentioned a show she had been on that I had totally forgotten about because it was so long ago and she was not really in it that much. I did know where it had been filmed though. I asked her if she had ever seen the billionaire pedophile.