He is blackmailing a fellow A list singer who comes from the same country.

Showing you how horrible this foreign born former A+ list tweener is, he is blackmailing a fellow A list singer who comes from the same country. Apparently the former tweener would like some songs and doesn't want to have to pay for them. So, he has a recording made by a celebrity offspring who gets her coke from the former tweener and is bearding for the blackmailed one.

He is trying to set her up with various wealthier potential parishioners

The leader of this church who is not named Joel Osteen has been in the celebrity news quite a lot lately. Apparently, even though he is married he regularly hooks up with this B-/C+ list celebrity offspring wannabe model. He is trying to set her up with various wealthier potential parishioners in hopes she can lead them to the flock and give her a cut of what they donate.

He didn’t seem to be thinking about his girlfriend

This former A list tweener who is an adult B+ list singer didn’t seem to be thinking about his girlfriend when he joined in on a paid for threesome with this celebrity offspring/wannabe model and the B list actor she has been hooking up with a lot lately for financial support

It was not a pleasant sight.

Why yes, that was this celebrity offspring of barely there celebrities who is probably a bigger deal than her parents dope sick yesterday at brunch. It was not a pleasant sight.

Hey look! There’s Ten, Twenty, and Thirty!

Lots of fun moments in Cannes during the film festival. This one made a few people laugh. There were three models hanging out together on a yacht. All are all under 30 and famous. One is more famous for her family name than for her modeling skills. One comes from a very wealthy family.