A Note: Many people are completely unaware that her dad started raping her multiple times a week when she was just 13.

In this space I have often addressed the indiscretions of this celebrity chef. She is definitely low hanging fruit when it comes to gossip because she makes so many of her own scandals. That being said, what I often forget when writing about her is that considering where she came from as a child, she is a success story. Many people are completely unaware that her dad started raping her multiple times a week when she was just 13. It went on for years. He was deranged and she was also protecting her sister at the same time from the situation.

The threesome never happened, BUT,

In another "improv," this former celebrity chef described the never ending relentlessness of her ex always wanting to set up a threesome with this celebrity chef known for her love of rock stars and actors and not so much her marriage vows. The threesome never happened, BUT, the ex still hooked up with the desired threesome partner.

2 blinds in a row

This female celebrity chef loves a married guy. She prefers them to be musicians or singers, but the former A+ list pro athlete worked out just fine for her too. / This A list alliterate model didn't spend Valentine's Day with her new husband. Instead, she flew thousands of miles to have a hush hush meeting with the A+ list singer.

An anorexic chef

This A list celebrity chef with her own show and products and even a restaurant rarely tries her own food and never eats more than one meal a day. Apparently she thinks her entire empire will disappear if she gains even a pound so tries to limit herself to under 1000 calories a day. An anorexic chef. Huh.