They should be ashamed.

All of the actresses, including the most famous (A- list dual threat actress who stars in a crazy popular streaming show) in the celebrity cult right now proclaim loud and proud about how they are pro-victim rights. Oh, except when their leader says he wants to out the name of a rape victim going against everything the women pretend to stand for. The actresses won't stand up to him or for the rape victim. They should be ashamed.

3 blinds in a row

She can say what she wants publicly, but behind the scenes, this A- list mostly movie actress who had an iconic role on an iconic television show wants no part of a reunion and is the main person blocking any reunion. / Directing racist comments at your girlfriend is probably not the best way to keep her around. The former child actor turned oft troubled adult actor has discovered that for himself. / This A- list mostly television actress had a guest list to an award show that numbered in the dozens. They were all there to spread the word and pass out literature to anyone who wanted it.

He doesn’t know his wife is cheating on him

This director is probably B/B+ list. Indie guy. Probably won't know him unless you follow that scene, but he's at the biggest point of his career thus far. Earlier this year he made a film starring that A- list dual threat actress you all know who belongs to that "religion." He also worked in a capacity on his most mainstream effort recently, featuring that most iconic of children's characters. Anyway, while his career his going swimmingly, he doesn't know his wife is cheating on him with a much younger college student.

No followup about her non answer

This A- list mostly television actress from a hit streaming show was at least asked a question about her religion. No followup about her non answer, especially the one part of her answer which required a followup because of how hypocritical it was.

The two never spoke which is odd if you think about it.

Apparently they still don't fully trust this A list mostly television actress who is an Emmy winner/nominee. They sent a fellow actress/singer all of you know to trail our actress from party to party. The two never spoke which is odd if you think about it. So, my guess is she knew she was going to have a tail and didn't want to ask a question such as why are you here and why do you follow me from party to party?