2 blinds in a row

You know that married one name actress that seems to always be making headlines? / This A list actor/singer/rapper/writer says he is going to make it his life's mission to destroy this female A list singer.

At an after party he was convinced people were following him.

This A- list mostly television actor from a hit cable show who is an Emmy winner won the award for strangest behavior last night, At an after party he was convinced people were following him. He accused multiple people of recording conversations. He acted as if someone was going to kidnap him any second.

I just hope she doesn’t check his collar and notice TWO shades of foreign lipstick

Three's apparently not company for this guy... This B lister that's mostly seen on television is known in certain LA communities and circles for loving a threesome. It's unknown if he has a wife/girlfriend/partner, but if he does, then she must either be okay or unaware of his common proclivity. I just hope she doesn't check his collar and notice TWO shades of foreign lipstick.