3 blinds in a row

This no namer pseudo celeb has things going pretty well for himself right now so I'm not sure why he would be cheating on the permanent A list singer/diva/wine drinker. / This mostly closeted A- list three named actress says that another three named actress who is not in the closet was super aggressive with the mostly closeted actress and wouldn't take no for an answer and only stopped when the A- lister started yelling./ This A- list rapper/author/composer is posting photos to his social media of clearly underage girls in sexual positions.

He took matters into his own hands

This permanent A list singer should look no further than the guy closest to her in her life for what went missing. He is always complaining she doesn't give him or pay him enough so he took matters into his own hands.

Our singer is not a big fan of germs.

This permanent A list singer took the ex back but she doesn’t know about the other two women he has been hooking up with the past few weeks. She would freak out, especially if she finds out that at least one of the women is saying the sex was unprotected. Our singer is not a big fan of germs.