They are going to go after the reality family

That very lengthy newspaper article about the former manager of the "singer" didn't have much that you already didn't know, but did hint where they were going next. They are going to go after the reality family and how they have profited off the "singer."

2 blinds in a row

Photo prices for the A list "singer" have already doubled in the past two weeks. With prices increasing, more paps are going to start following her. / This three named A- list singer is trying to put back together a lot of the bridges she burned. She has also given up coke and is going to therapy. Good for her.

Love a happy ending but.. this won’t have that.

I would concur with the A/A- list actress who is an Oscar winner when she advised the "singer" to get a prenup. I would also advise the singer to do a little background check on the current status of the marriage of her betrothed. You know me. I always love a happy ending. This won't have that.

There will be a war.

A few weeks ago, I told you about the A list singer/bad actor sleeping with this former A+ list singer while he was still dating the A list "singer." The A list "singer" knows about it and also how the former A+ list singer slept with producers/writers to get tracks that were supposed to go to our "singer." There will be a war.

3 blinds in a row

Just as I told you would happen months ago when the "singer" was free to make her own decisions, the Svengali was going to be there waiting. He isn't worried about a restraining order. He has the boyfriend in the palm of his hand. / There are at least three women that are having an affair with the significant other of a Potomac Housewife. / This former Teen Mom was recently at an amusement park and was hateful to everyone she met there. She thinks she is A+ list. Her dad was there too and he was treated even more badly then she was treating strangers.