She was being cut out of the money

Things probably wouldn't be so chummy for this eldest offspring if she knew she was being cut out of the money from this permanent A++ list singer/musician by his latest significant other.

This is a tragedy in the making.

This celebrity offspring of two permanent A+ listers is back to some seriously self-destructive behavior. Over the past two years, the offspring, who had a decent career going has been on a steady decline as she has watched her siblings eclipse her own career and has not been getting any support from her parents. This is a tragedy in the making.

This is the most screwed up relationship ever and they are barely even dating

This is the most screwed up relationship ever and they are barely even dating. He is a B+ list mostly television actor who is hoping that his new sitcom stays on the air. He has the worst luck with shows staying on the air even when they are really good. So, he has been dating this C list celebrity who has a A list celebrity name thanks to an earlier relationship. She likes to come across as sexy and hot and wild but she is so tame and so not into sex that our actor is already seeing other women on the side to get sex he isn't getting with his girlfriend. Why does he even stay with her? It has only been a few months.