Actress wanted them to pay for an entourage of five, a private jet, hotel for three nights and pay her $50K

This C+ list mostly movie actress who used to be A list and still has A++ list name recognition skipped a charity event because the organizers wouldn't pay her. They were willing to fly her in for the event and pay for her hotel, but the actress wanted them to pay for an entourage of five, a private jet, hotel for three nights and pay her $50K. Everyone who did attend, did so for free and most didn't even ask for their flights to be paid.

First time the trailer was rocking

This former A++ list politician visited a film set in NYC and spent 45 minutes in a trailer with his main squeeze actress friend. Well, not main squeeze. I mean the guy is married. No one even batted an eye that the two were spending time alone in her trailer. It was the second time he has visited the set but the first time the trailer was rocking.