She was definitely transformed.

When the actor/household cleaner said he wanted a girlfriend who was all plastic and silicone and fillers, he wasn't kidding. I mean she is real and living, but when you see her pictures from two years ago and today, she was definitely transformed.

She was only allowed to have fun if he was.

This A- list mostly movie actor would love to have you believe he is getting a divorce from his wife for a noble reason. As I have said for years, he has taken their open lifestyle and turned it into his personal playground while restricting what his wife was allowed to do. She was only allowed to have fun if he was. He found someone who won't even put up an argument when he says he can do what he wants, no matter what.

He has taken their open lifestyle and turned it into his personal playground

This A- list mostly movie actor would love to have you believe he is getting a divorce from his wife for a noble reason. As I have said for years, he has taken their open lifestyle and turned it into his personal playground while restricting what his wife was allowed to do. She was only allowed to have fun if he was. He found someone who won't even put up an argument when he says he can do what he wants, no matter what.

3 blinds in a row

It must be some kind of tradition between them, but once again, this A list mostly movie actor hooked up with his wife in a restroom during the after party of a premiere. / I'm not sure why you expected someone who is an admitted child molester to change. / This foreign born former A list mostly movie actress/singer is near death.

Actor had the man’s earring stuck between his teeth

This former almost A list mostly movie actor who has crashed to C-after a huge bomb and would be less if not for his recent trip to the news, was eating this weekend in a private room with a guy. He called it a business meeting and it might have been but a waiter had to be called to extract our actor from the other man because the actor had the man's earring stuck between his teeth and the other man was pinned in such a way that the man couldn't unscrew the earring.