You could’ve knocked him over with a feather.

After a ceremony so full of itself it could float, and after flying through 3 countries in 24 hours to arrive at the Golden Globes, I was very happy to get to the after party circuit. One party in particular led to a twilight zone moment of epic proportions, even involving Enty, and may have just created the funniest moment I've ever had at any awards night party in the past 10 years at least.

3 blind items

This A- list mostly television actress who will be making Hallmark movies until the end of time when her current network hit goes off the air was all over this foreign born A- list mostly movie actor who already has a girlfriend and a wife. This former A- list mostly television actress from a hit almost network show seems to have amnesia about the time she hooked up with this former A++ list politician. Her memory only seems to work well when it is advantageous to her. One of the times was witnessed by someone who walked in on the pair in his dressing room.