This A list singer said some things about a group of people that is going to cause a huge backlash.

There were several people there, so someone must have captured the audio at least of what she said.

Bette Midler

West Virginia

Bette Midler’s West Virginia slur proves she’s the ‘illiterate’ bigot

Bette Midler ought to try reading a book. To the uninitiated, books are these things made of paper that have words printed on them. Hard words, not just pictures. Stuff that illiterates — some of whom live in lazy, superior, effete, privileged Tinseltown — might hire underlings to decipher for them.

The Not-So Divine Miss M, 76, would learn that in 1861, the proud people living in the western part of Virginia voted to tear off from the slave-owning state to form a Union state, many of whose citizens fought and died in the Civil War to end the scourge of people-owning.

Yes, West Virginia, which Bette slimed in a tweet Monday as containing “poor, illiterate and strung out” toothless folks, isn’t completely populated by insect-eating meth heads and grinning imbeciles. It has a generous share of rugged individualists such as Joe Manchin, 74, the Democratic senator who enraged the Hollywood Harpie and various insufferable elites by voting down the president’s multitrillion-dollar Build Back Better wild spending spree.

Manchin also earned the wrath of entitled progressives such as New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, who threatened political vengeance against senators with whom she disagrees, making sure to trash them as sexist goons. – Source

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