KINDNESS: This actress is almost A list. She has some qualities I don’t really love, but she was in one of my top five favorite movies and will always love her for it and the way she played the role.

So, she does have that going for her. She also was really great to some teens she ran into this week while promoting her new movie.

She went way above and beyond.

She had done some press and was walking out and there were people waiting outside the studio including three teens who were visiting. She posed for photos and signed autographs and it turns out the teens were staying at the same hotel as our actress.

Our actress then arranged not only for their hotel room to be paid for by her but also had a spa day brought to their hotel room for the teens and the mom who was accompanying the teens.

At the end of the spa day they also each received some new bags that our actress is the face for and bought them dinner at the hotel too.

She never talked to them after that first meeting outside the studio, but she really made their trip special and that was a pretty cool thing to do.

Cameron Diaz
Pour La Victoire


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